July 2, 2024

FC PLatinum: Castle Premiership champions

FC PLatinum: Castle Premiership champions

By Staff Writer

THE marathon 2021 Castle Lager Premier Soccer League promises to be an open race.

It would have been another show where FC Platinum would have started as odds on favourites, Ngezi Platinum, Triangle and Bulawayo side Chicken Inn seemingly guaranteed a top five finish.

The once traditional powerhouses Caps United, Dynamos and Highlanders would have been expected to have a shout where the honours go to too through strong home matches against the four well sponsored teams.

But the arrival of Sakunda Holdings on the shores of the country’s two biggest clubs may swing the pendulum the traditional direction.

Simply put Dynamos and Highlanders FC are back in business. The energy company has ploughed US$5,3 million into the coffers of the two clubs for the next three years clearly breathing life into others what looked like deflated balls with plenty holes.

Dynamos and Highlanders are the country’s most popular and successful clubs. They have had the honour of producing some of the best players in the land and defined Zimbabwe football locally and abroad.

The energy giants’ entry has made the championship race very wide open.

FC Platinum have benefitted from African Champions League action. Their fitness levels are high and it is a season they will want to play for one of their staunchest supporters Worthwhile Mugabe who passed on at the beginning of the season. He was the club’s benefactor of the past decade.

They have a decent coaching department headed by Norman Mapeza and good players in the form of Petros Mhari, Lawrence Mhlanga, Gift Bello and Rodwell Chinyengetere who know what success is.

Ngezi Platinum rate among the early season favourites. They have the money and tried players and a coaching department as good as any, one could wish for in Rodwell Dhlakama and Cosmas Zulu.

The Platinum powered sides have reached the semi-finals of the Chibuku Super Cup. Their early season fitness will be key in this marathon championship race that ends in November next year.

Triangle have always been the quietest of the better sponsored sides. They do not make much noise because they are far off the prying media’s reach.

Taurayi Mangwiro is a good coach and has always assembled balanced sides and fireworks can be expected at the Tongaat Hullet sponsored side. For any travelling team the long journey and the heat will be a factor on the outcome.

Chicken Inn under Joey Antipas have been very consistent over the past eight years. They have the right mix in terms of playing personnel with stalwarts Guide Goddard, Moses Jackson, Moses Majika and Passmore Bernard expected to stand their ground while speedy Brian Muza acquired last year from Talen Vision should add the expected grit.

Bulawayo City FC should not come up as a surprise package. They have a good coach, a former Gaffer of the Year, Philani Ncube, unheralded players with all to gain in Vincent Moyo, Wellington Kamdyariwa, Wilfred Munhorweyi, Wellington Sibanda, Bheki Ncube one of the Chibuku Super Cup first round stars, Tawanda Zinaka, John Chinyerere, Mgcini Sibanda, Elshaamar Farasi, Chris Machisi and Ntobeko Moyo.

They play as a team and have shown unity of purpose on and off the pitch.

Cranborne Bullets under Nesbert Saruchera have made it to the semi-finals of the Chibuku Super Cup. They will want to prove that they are not a fluke but genuine contenders and could be one to watch out for.

Tennax and Whawha the two sides from the Correctional services department don’t have the financial muscle other clubs enjoy. They offer job security, pension and medical aid.

What has often weakened such clubs despite good talent on show is motivation. Off days of the past compared to financial independence are lesser incentives in an environment now driven by money.

Bulawayo Chiefs have made the largest noise engaging a Portuguese coach and an Iranian as fitness guru, got Mark Mathe and Agent Sawu on board. They seem like a club keen to cause a stir on the scene.

Many have come that way and ended up on the dump heap. It will be a challenge for the club to sustain their social media effectiveness and match it with results.

They have shown they have no peers in marketing their brand but the no name tag opposition that they will face and the big boys will be a litmus test.

Chiefs appear well resourced and organised this time around and could cause a stir if they get their chemistry right.

But the question stays for how long will they pull without long standing coach Thulani Sibanda?

The system has believed in him for a long time. They have a number of good players who are hungry for success.

Masimba Chihowa’s Manica Diamonds will start among the relegation favourites. History has seen clubs from that part of the country struggle in the Premiership and this season is expected to be no different.

Caps United and ZPC Kariba not much is expected from them. The power utility team may at the end of the season just be remembered for the torturous journey many clubs will take dodging elephants and other game to fulfil the fixture.

Herentals College and Yadah are too expected to struggle in the league with a bunch of average players and coaches who are still building their resumes.

Relegation Candidates: Herrentals, Tennax, Yadah, Whawha and Manica Diamonds

Surprise Packages: Bulawayo City, Bulawayo Chiefs and Cranborne Bullets

Championship Favourites: Chicken Inn, Dynamos, FC Platinum and Ngezi Platinum.

The league kicks off this weekend with a lot of sparks expected.




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