July 2, 2024

Lovemore Dube, CHIEF WRITER

ASTON Villa and Warriors midfield enforcer Marvelous Nakamba visited his home district Hwange and left a big impression in the community after his foundation undertook to help more children and help schools.

He ended a whirlwind week of activities which included a well run youth football festival at White City Stadium at the weekend.

First in his visit was a stopover at the family’s country home Dinde some 30km out of Hwange.

He showed the entourage that included journalists where he believes his football career started – a corner on the southern part of the homestead where he used to be trained by his football crazy uncle Tibani Siame.

“It all began here when I was about five years when I used to visit home. I played here,” said Nakamba as he pointed to the rugged patch.

“Yes it started all here, he loved football and I used to train him here. I am keen to produce other Marvellouses,” said Siame with a sense of pride.

The star player mingled with family members speaking to them in the local language, chiNambya.

Nakamba was in the company of his father, Anthony who chairs the Marvellous Nakamba Foundation, board members Nduduzo Mdlalose and Brian Moyo.

From the home they headed to Dinde Primary School where Marvellous was for his Grades Two to Five.

He showed the media his back bench where he sat as a pupil 16 years ago. The foundation announced that it would pay school fees for 200 pupils up from 90.

They will also buy uniforms and school shoes for all of them.

His last classroom a ticking time bomb, will be demolished and a new block with three classrooms built. The foundation will also help teachers with electricity as some of the cottages do not have power. They toured the school and met with management to do a needs assessment and the school headmistress, Sithabile Viki was all smiles at the end as the foundation made announcements of how they will assist more children and help the school.

“I am happy to meet you, my young brothers and sisters. I am happy for the support you have given me. To me, you are family and I will help you when I can so that you achieve your dreams,” Marvellous said.

They also announced that they will help with construction of toilets.

Board member Brian Moyo confirmed that the organisation would treat all projects as urgent.

“The children that are sponsored are orphans and vulnerable, who are staying with very elderly parents. I am all smiles. I am happy. If you check, our classroom block has been giving us headaches with goats coming in and out at will. This is good news. Some of the learners were coming to school barefooted. We appreciate what Marvelous has done,” the headmistress said.

A total of 356 pupils attend the school.

The next stop was Hwange Secondary School where Nakamba’s father learnt and played as a goalkeeper.

The foundation undertook to increase from 58 to 100, the number of kids to be assisted. Some 25 Ordinary Level candidates will have their examination fees paid by the Nakamba Foundation. Last year, they assisted another 10.

It was good news for the school as foundation promised to assist in the refurbishing of the science laboratory and domestic science section.

Two former pupils who passed Ordinary Level examinations last year had reason to smile as the foundation visited their homes and announced that they can go start their A Levels and will be assisted throughout.

They wound up the schools tour with Sir Humphrey Gibbs where Anthony did his primary school education in 1980s.

Before leaving Hwange the Nakambas paid Big Charlie a courtesy call and dropped off some groceries.

In all the interactions, Marvellous was as cool as cucumber allowing scores of pupils to take selfies with him.

Teachers remarked that they were not surprised to see the Nakambas back as Anthony grew up a humble person at school and community.

The benefactor freely mixed with both community and children conversing with them in Nyanja, Nambya and Ndebele.

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