July 4, 2024

PROCEEDS from this year’s 10km Liquor Hub Fun Run, to be held on Sunday, will fund a trip to India for two children who require heart surgeries.

Industry and Commerce deputy minister Raj Modi is at the centre of the initiative.

The race, which failed to take place last year due to COVID-19 lockdowns, marks its return on the calendar.

Modi, proprietor of Liquor Hub Wholesale Centre, has partnered a Bulawayo-based organisation Brave Little Hearts in this initiative.
The Bulawayo South MP said he would cater for all the expenses for children to undergo surgery in India.

“Interestingly, the focus this year on the charity community has seen Liquor Hub partnering with the Brave Little Hearts, whose aim is to assist and raise awareness  on the plight of children living with heart conditions, where two children will be helped to receive their life-changing surgery in India. The package to be offered will include sponsored surgeries, medication and groceries. The total package per child is US$15 000,” Modi said.

He said the arrangement also involved the World Health Organisation and the Health ministry.

Brave Little Heats director and founder Tendai Moyo paid tribute to Modi.

This year’s race was being sponsored to the tune of R50 000 and registration, which is already in progress is US$5.

“The race comes to our sporting lovers in a renewed format. The two main categories — the senior and junior categories. This year will see more athletes winning prizes, having been increased from top three to top five with the total prizes to be won amounting to R50 000,” Modi said.

The winners of the last edition held in 2019 were Moses Tarakinyu of Black Rhinos in the senior men’s section and Olivia Chitate of the Zimbabwe Republic Police in the senior women’s category.

Tarakinyu crossed the finishing line in 29:14 to pick up the first prize of R5 000, which was also grabbed by Chitate who clocked 35:29. ONLINE

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