July 2, 2024

THE Zifa Central Region Soccer League has resolved to suspend fixtures in a final push to force clubs to pay this year’s affiliation fees.

The region has been operating with 14 teams after four clubs, including Shabanie Mine, failed to the affiliation fees when football resumed last year.

However, the financial problems seem to have caught up with most of the teams, with only three teams, Bishopstone, Chapungu and TelOne, having managed to fulfil the league requirements.

Nineteen rounds of fixtures have been played so far with six remaining before the curtain comes down.
And the league leadership is desperate to force the remaining 11 teams to pay the fee.

Week 20 fixtures slated for this weekend will, however, be allowed to proceed.

In a statement, the Central Region warned clubs that they face stern sanctions should they fail to oblige.

“The association hereby informs the congress that all league fixtures will be suspended until further notice effective week 21 due not non-payment of 2022 affiliation fees and other statutory levies by most of the clubs.

“I would like to bring to your attention the obligations of a member of the association in terms of the Zifa constitution article 13(1), which requires the members to pay their member subscriptions,” the statement read in part.

The region warned that they will invoke Article 13(2) of the Zifa constitution which allows them to sanction clubs if they do not oblige.

“I further wish to advise members that failure to honour the stipulated obligations is a violation of statutes that may lead to sanctions as provided in article 13(2). Meanwhile, the region would like to thank the three clubs that have already paid their affiliation fees as agreed in the extra-ordinary general

“These are Bishopstone, Chapungu  and TelOne FC. Each member has been notified many times of the amounts it owes.”

Meanwhile, they revealed that the set charges will be reviewed on a weekly basis.

“Let me inform the members that a review of the payment situation will be done on a weekly basis and members will be informed of the resumption dates seven days in advance,” the statement added.

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