July 7, 2024


with Lawrence ‘Penpusher’ Moyo

“KHUWA Dema” as Felix Ncube was known in Hwange, was one of the most prominent referees in the yesteryear era.

Ncube was a training officer by profession and coincidentally Marathon FC, known as Mara Mara had a lot of apprentices and artisans who included the Mashabas and the Mandelas.

So it was a big concern when the Black Whiteman officiated at  matches that pitted the rival teams Marathon and Iwisa.

As a training officer most people suspected he sympathised with Marathon and influenced the results.

However the battle between the two giants was a must-watch.

Angeke barked from the terraces in support of Iwisa “Ibamayi, ibamayi, Azilume, Azilume inyosi…Mawuso…”

There was also another small group of Iwisa supporters called  “S1” led by Mai Rati.

The group cheered up and sang to fire up the team’s performance.

On the other side Shady and Percy ‘Boy Dotoro’ Mizati did all their best to cheer Marathon for goodness’ sake.

Hot potatoes in the Iwisa line up included Venancio Ncube, Petros Chungwa, Juma Chitonje, Joe Iwisa, Lovemore Masho Moyo, the goalkeeper.

Other names that had made names earlier include Available the brother to Matiya, Lawrence Tshuma, Zoom Zondani and Paul Tshuma.

Some other great players that emerged include Louis Sibanda, the former Marist Brothers Champagnat House dynamo, who was feared for his long range volleys, Nathan Banda, brother to John and Thomas, Richard Mwamba, Noah Cox Banda, Gosa Kasongola and Ephraim Lashani Mumba.

Zikomomunkomboni the penning off signature of the Village Office announcer.

 Musale bwino .

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