July 7, 2024

The Zimbabwe Republic Police Support Unit volleyball team has received a major boost ahead of its participation at the Confederation of African Volleyball Zone 6 championships to be held in Mozambique after receiving a kit donation from a local property developing company, WestProperties.

The tournament will run from January 8 to 16 in Maputo.

While handing over the kit at the company offices in Harare, WestProperties finance manager Simbarashe Kadye said his company was proud to support the team with a new kit and also supporting the communities that they do business in.
“Even more important is an opportunity to support a section of our society whose sole mandate is the protection and security of our communities day in and out. It is with great pleasure that I present to the ZRP Women’s Volleyball team these jerseys on behalf of the company,” Kadye said.

“We say go well to Mozambique, play well and fly the Zimbabwean flag high making us all proud.”

Club secretary-general Assistant Inspector Thomas Mangwiro said he was grateful for the donation as it would go a long way in motivating the players.

“This donation is a booster to the team as we leave for the tournament and we hope we will raise the country’s flag high,” Mangwiro said.

The Police Support Unit team will compete with other 10 clubs from the southern African region.

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